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I'm a middle-aged, single mother stuck in a small prairie city. Need I say more!

Friday 31 May 2013

Rant #2: What is Art?

A couple of months ago, an art show was held at the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD).  One particular piece was created by a student and shown in the college's cafeteria at lunchtime.  It was a performance art piece, in which the student produced a live chicken and subsequently, killed it.  It is lunch, but is it art?

The student brought in the chicken, stroked it, calmed it down, and then proceeded to slowly slit it's throat.  Once it was dead, he removed the head, washed the body and plucked the feathers off.  His claim is that he was trying to make people aware of where their food comes from.  I don't know about you, but my food comes from Superstore!  Damn.  How thoughtful of this guy to help explain, through 'art' where a chicken comes from.  If he was being really truthful, he should have just scrambled up a couple of eggs.  Everyone knows that the egg came first. Hey Picasso!  I also know that my burger comes from a cow.  I've pet cows, cooed at them, and looked lovingly into their big bovine eyes...not gonna stop me from chowing down at Five Guys.  I am a carnivore! I'm okay with it. 

The college followed up by firing the student's instructor (whom I assume gave permission for this to take place).  Oh snap...huge uproar....discussion on artistic freedom (and probably, discussion with ATA union lawyer), and said professor is re-instated.  Student apparently...scott free range.

I am a big supporter of the Arts and I do believe in some measure of freedom, but not at the expense of a life  or by traumatising innocents who just wanted to eat their poutine in peace.  I also truly believe in freedom of speech, but no sane person will argue that hate propaganda should be permitted.  Why isn't the same principle applied here.  The people eating their lunch that day had no idea what was going to happen and were given no choice in participating.  

Some argue that Art is meant to start controversy and therefore, discussion/dialogue.  To an extent, I do believe this...memorable Art will have one of two effects on you: you love it or you hate it.  But you remember it.  So in this regard, the concept was successful; that doesn't make it right.  

I never have really got the point of 'performance art'.  I would rather look at a painting or watch a play.  If this student really wanted to impress me, paint a picture of a chicken.  Heck, even a picture of killing a chicken.  Heck, even a picture of a big plate of McNuggets; but don't pretend that killing something makes you an artist.  It just makes you sick!

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