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I'm a middle-aged, single mother stuck in a small prairie city. Need I say more!

Friday 29 November 2013

Soda Stream Soda Maker Review

A couple of weeks ago I was in Walmart and noticed that the Soda Stream machine kit was on sale.  I had been looking at it for several months with interest.  We drink a fair amount of soda (or pop, as we call it in Canada) and I was curious as to whether or not it would be worthwhile.  Well, it was a pretty good sale; $80 Canadian, so I picked it up and took it home to try.

The starter model comes with the machine, 1 CO2 canister and 1 soda bottle.  I also picked up the sample trial pack with about 20 different flavours in it.  The machine itself is easy to use and the results are fairly good.  I have found, however that the soda will tend to lose it's carbonation over a few days in the bottle, and rather quickly from the glass once it is poured.  So if you are a soda sipper, pour half glass at a time.

I soon found that I wanted more bottles, so I could have a variety of flavours available, and that once a bottle is made, it goes pretty quickly.  I picked up the 3 bottle pack for around $17C.  Mathwise, I am not sure yet if the machine will pay for itself, but we haven't bought any soda in about 3 weeks.  So far, I am liking the system.  Now on to the flavour reviews:

These are flavours that are available in a smaller Canadian market; from Walmart, The Bay, Target, Canadian Tire, and London Drugs.  Not all flavours are at all locales.  I have found that Walmart, so far, has the most extensive selection.  All reviews out of 10.  Based on 2 opinions.

COLA:  6.  This is the regular cola syrup that came in the sample pack.  Not a lot of bite to it.  So if you are like me, and love the feeling of the caffeine hitting your blood stream, this is probably not for you.  It doesn't really taste like either Coke or Pepsi, maybe more like a generic version cola.

LEMON-LIME: 6.  I felt this had a bit of an odd taste to it.  Nothing like Sprite or 7-UP.  My son liked it better than I did.

ORANGE-MANGO: 9.  Delicious!  Tastes just like the Koala Springs flavour.  One of my faves.

CRANBERRY RASPBERRY: 7.5.  I really like this one, has a good refreshing flavour, but my son not so much.

ORANGE:  8.5.  Has a nice refreshing taste and not syrupy sweet like other orange sodas.  More like the Fanta Orange soda with the orange juice in it.

CREAM SODA: 9.  We both really like this one.  Nice natural flavour.  Good vanilla notes. Nice natural colour, not that neon pink stuff.  My son says this is the best cream soda he has ever had, which is high praise, cause he does not normally like cream soda.

ROOT BEER: 8.  Good flavour.  More like an A&W than a Barqs.  Natural tasting, but not a lot of bite.

DR. PETE: 7.  Not really close to Dr. Pepper, but still fairly good.  Lacks the bite, but it is definitely growing on me.

GRAPEFRUIT: 8.  Nice refreshing flavour.  Not too sweet, but with realistic tasting grapefruit flavour with a hint of tartness.

GINGER ALE: 5.  Not very flavourful.  Almost seems watery.

DIET COLA: 5. Not much flavour here either. No cola bite and quite watery tasting.

DIET GRAPEFRUIT:  8.  Pretty close to the original version.  Still nice grapefruit tang.  Not too sweet. Very refreshing.

ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT SPORT DRINK: 7.  Good fruit taste, but a little flat.

DIET LEMON-LIME: 5.  Not great flavour, seems watery also.

These are the ones that we have tried so far, and we will update as we try more.

*Winners definitely seem to be any of the fruit flavour sodas.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Turks and Jerks: The Fight for Green

I recently became aware of protesting going on in Turkey.  It seems that the Turkish people are staging demonstrations and camping out in pretty much the only park left in Istanbul.  Why?  Because the government has decided (in infinite government wisdom) that they will cut down hundreds of trees and pretty much demolish the whole park.  Again, why?  To build a shopping mall and some luxury condos.  The citizens of Istanbul have occupied Gezi Park in an effort to prevent this from happening.  

This movement has gained momentum on two fronts; the environmental side and the anti-government side.  The Environmentalists have argued that there is little green space left in the city and that some of the trees are decades old, and by destroying this area, the quality of life of Istanbul's residents will greatly diminish.  Good point.

The Anti-Government protesters are trying to draw attention to the corruption they are finding in their government.  This whole project was originally rejected by a governmental committee, but subsequently overturned by another committee (with supposed strong persuasion from certain voices in power). There are also questions of connections between the private building companies and certain government members.  (Wow, politics and business getting in bed together....all over the world).

Their struggle over there, has me thinking of some similar situations in my own province.  There is a potential closing of green space here in Alberta, as well that we should be aware of.  Mount Norquay ski resort, located in Banff National park, has been given approval by Parks Canada, to open during the summer months and to also expand their ski runs.  The problem lies in that the ski resort is next to an important wildlife corridor for grizzly bears and also contains sensitive vegetation.  This move seems to continue the growing trend of the urbanization of wildlife ecosystems.  We keep building and invading into the wilderness and pushing wildlife further and further away from their natural habitats and territories.  Next, we are complaining about wild creatures coming into our communities and yards.  Eating from our gardens, getting into our garbage, pooping on our precious lawns.  Pretty soon, we are finding ourselves in more aggressive conflict with our furry and feathered neighbours.  We are asking conservation officers to relocate troublesome creatures (which almost always ends badly) or even worse, to exterminate them.  We need to stand up for these animals or we will risk standing against them some day.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

I Love My Cat...

What is it about felines that makes me more of a cat person;

  1. My cats have always been more affectionate than my dogs.
  2. Not yapping all the time (Kenji, this means you...please do not bark every single time someone on TV rings/hears a doorbell...it's not real!)
  3. Cats are obviously smarter. (see #2)
  4. Don't need entertaining all the time, I'm sorry but the little game of throw the toy, fight you to get the toy back, and then have to throw it again and again and again and again gets a little monotonous after awhile.  (once again, Kenji, this means you!)
  5. Independent.  Whereas dogs are akin to the pet version of a toddler, cats are more like teenagers.
  6. So darn flexible!  No yoga required here!
  7. Poops in a box! I even had a cat once who would poop on the toilet!  
  8. If he stays out for hours, I don't really worry.  See #5!  Just appreciate it when he sends me a quick text to tell me he's okay.
  9. Can go away for a weekend and not have to find a sitter.  
  10. Love the wacky sounds they make when they are after a bug in the room....hilarious!
  11. Will watch Meerkat Manor with me.  Literally, will sit in front of the TV for 10 minute stretches watching those crazy little critters gallivanting around the Kalahari.  Similar interests.
  12. Sleeps on my bed with me.  If he's not there, I have trouble getting to sleep.
  13. Clearly defined personality.  Doesn't always feel the need to suck up to me, and is secure enough in his felinehood, so that when he wants attention....dammit, he gets attention.
  14. Hasn't let himself go...very meticulous groomer.  Almost metro!

The only things that drive me loopy about my cat (and I kinda like them a little) are when he does want attention he will just push himself in there like jealous lover.   "How dare you read a book/newspaper/magazine?  Let me plop myself down RIGHT HERE!  Trying to write your blog....forget that nonsense!  Plus, he is always sitting on my computer chair.  I can get up for 12 seconds, come back, and Ooops, where you sitting here.  I didn't see your name of it!"

But all in all, I love both of my pets....just in different ways.  Still though, not really a dog person!

Meowfully yours,  Angela.

Friday 31 May 2013

Rant #2: What is Art?

A couple of months ago, an art show was held at the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD).  One particular piece was created by a student and shown in the college's cafeteria at lunchtime.  It was a performance art piece, in which the student produced a live chicken and subsequently, killed it.  It is lunch, but is it art?

The student brought in the chicken, stroked it, calmed it down, and then proceeded to slowly slit it's throat.  Once it was dead, he removed the head, washed the body and plucked the feathers off.  His claim is that he was trying to make people aware of where their food comes from.  I don't know about you, but my food comes from Superstore!  Damn.  How thoughtful of this guy to help explain, through 'art' where a chicken comes from.  If he was being really truthful, he should have just scrambled up a couple of eggs.  Everyone knows that the egg came first. Hey Picasso!  I also know that my burger comes from a cow.  I've pet cows, cooed at them, and looked lovingly into their big bovine eyes...not gonna stop me from chowing down at Five Guys.  I am a carnivore! I'm okay with it. 

The college followed up by firing the student's instructor (whom I assume gave permission for this to take place).  Oh snap...huge uproar....discussion on artistic freedom (and probably, discussion with ATA union lawyer), and said professor is re-instated.  Student apparently...scott free range.

I am a big supporter of the Arts and I do believe in some measure of freedom, but not at the expense of a life  or by traumatising innocents who just wanted to eat their poutine in peace.  I also truly believe in freedom of speech, but no sane person will argue that hate propaganda should be permitted.  Why isn't the same principle applied here.  The people eating their lunch that day had no idea what was going to happen and were given no choice in participating.  

Some argue that Art is meant to start controversy and therefore, discussion/dialogue.  To an extent, I do believe this...memorable Art will have one of two effects on you: you love it or you hate it.  But you remember it.  So in this regard, the concept was successful; that doesn't make it right.  

I never have really got the point of 'performance art'.  I would rather look at a painting or watch a play.  If this student really wanted to impress me, paint a picture of a chicken.  Heck, even a picture of killing a chicken.  Heck, even a picture of a big plate of McNuggets; but don't pretend that killing something makes you an artist.  It just makes you sick!

Rant #1: The Senate Scandal

Here we go again!  Another scandal in politics.  This one courtesy of the Senate, and just when you thought they were all pretty much sleeping or dead.  In a nutshell, the scandal involves four Senators,(three Conservatives and one Liberal), the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff, a hefty cheque, and a coat of whitewash that would make Tom Sawyer proud.

To further expand;  several Senators have been 'caught' double-dipping into the delicious punch bowl of expense accounting.  Namely, Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin, Marc Brazeau and Liberal Mac Harb.  I find it interesting that both Duffy and Wallin were at one time journalists, who used to go after the previous lying/cheating politicians for the same acts that they are now both accused of.  Both Duffy and Wallin have had questions arise about whether or not they even reside in the provinces that they represent (PEI and Saskatchewan respectively).  The examination into that question perhaps dug up more information than was originally suspected.  Duffy's accounts are seemingly the most creative, because he has frequently been claiming living expenses for Ottawa and PEI, on the same days.  So either he has managed to invent a transporter a la Star Trek, or it would appear that he has been jilting the Canadian people.  He was effectively caught and asked to pay back the $90,000.  He subsequently handed in said cheque.  It has however, recently come to light that he did not actually pay back the money, but rather had Nigel Wright  (Stephen Harper's Chief of Staff) write him up a cheque for said amount, which he then handed over. This money was clearly stated to have been a gift, not a loan. (How do I get on this guy's Christmas list?) Once this fact became known, Wright very quickly tendered his resignation.  The PM is outraged and had no idea this type of thing was going on (behind his back apparently).  Wallin's accounts are still being investigated, and Brazeau and the other guy are seemingly small potatoes.  The BIG story is Duffy.

Result: All 3 Conservative Senators have stepped down from the Conservative Caucus, and are now sitting as independent Senators.  WTF?!!  The RCMP have finally been asked to investigate.  A big report on the whole fiasco has been written by...guess who....other Conservative Senators.  Again...WTF?!!

Let me first point out that this is totally my opinion:  I can't believe that Nigel Wright would write up a $90,000 personal cheque just to help out a poor senator. Especially, without being told to or without the PM's knowledge.  And now he is forced out of the big desk, just because he was trying to be a nice guy.  Either he is the paragon of generosity or else he is a 'patsy.'  Either way, if he can just give away 90K in cash, he may be getting paid waaaayyy too much!  We will have to keep our eyes on Mr. Wright's future, and see if he shows up in some lucrative position down the road.

All of this SNAFU, leads me to ponder a bigger and more complicated topic: Senate Reform or Abolishment?  Which is the answer!  And who is going to have big enough balls to do it!  Stay tuned.

Sunday 21 April 2013

There's a hole in my Bucket List!

Hello to you all!  (perhaps, dozens of you...probably mostly family members.  Nevertheless, welcome!)

The Bucket List!  They've made movies, books and TV shows about it, but I realize that I don't actually have one.  Bits and pieces of one...sure.  But not an official one.  Not the kind that gets jotted down on a coffee shop napkin and saved in my sock drawer kind of bucket list.  So, for posterity's sake...here is the attempt:  

But, firstly, what exactly are the 'rules' of the bucket list?  How many items should I have?  Should they have a snowball's chance of actually being fulfillable?  Are they just sort of a 'in a perfect world' theme?  Do I add some on before I've crossed some off? How long do I keep an item on there before it reaches it's expiry date? Can I ask for help?  Anything thoughts?

Now to the answers:  

I don't think that I should have too many items, because as a person who doesn't often write lists (unless I am packing for a trip), I don't often complete said lists.  Those Saturday chore lists chafe at my disorganized sensibilities.  Plus, having adult attention deficit disorder, makes them virtually impossible to complete.....SQUIRREL!  I start tidying up the living room and end up reading magazine articles from a 2-year old copy of Chatelaine (and just to set the record straight...I'm not really a Chatelaine kind of girl, anyways).  I usually have around half-dozen, half-finished jobs going at any time.  So, maybe 20 items.  

I think that the items should be possible to achieve, otherwise it's just a dream list, and IMHO, dreams are better carried around in a suitcase, not a bucket.

If I stick with the 20 item guideline, perhaps I should have to cross something off before adding more; but also, there should maybe be a best before time limit...it works for milk (who am I to argue).  So if there is no action on an item after....say 1 year, then I should cross them off, if I have a new one to add.  Yeah, that might work.  

Depending on the items on the list, I may or may not need help from others.  But I'm going to put in out there, that help is allowed.  And if anyone reading this can help out: please let me know.  

So without any further ado, here are a few items that I have on my bucket list, so far;

  1. Experience something being born.  I did give birth to my own child, but I was kind of too pre-occupied to actually enjoy it.  It doesn't have to be someone's baby (that might be kind of creepy), but I would love to see a calf or colt, puppies or kittens, a lamb.  That would be amazing.  Unfortunately, even though I do live in the prairies, I don't actually know anyone that has a farm with animals on it.  
  2. See a dozen Cirque du Soleil Shows.  This was originally, see all of the Cirque Shows, but after re-thinking it, less is more.  And may actually be achievable.  Seriously, they have a lot of those shows.  And unless, I am planning on buying a timeshare in Vegas, I probably won't get this one completed.  Plus, they retire shows and create new ones all the time.  So...12 is good.  If I see more, great.  That being said; I have currently seen five; Mystere, Allegria, Kooza, Ovo, and yesterday, Amaluna.  Seven to go.  But I really feel that this item is something that I can chip away at over the years.
  3. Write a book.  I've started one, but it isn't going well.  Damn you, ADD!  It doesn't really matter to me if it is a children's book, teen or adult book, although, I think the first two are more in my wheelhouse.  It would be great to have it published, but at this point, quite frankly, it just needs to be written first!  So, in the meantime, here is a blog.
  4. Sell a painting.  Okay, smartass, I don't just mean re-sell a painting, I mean sell one that I have actually painted.  And not just a mercy buy either... 'here's 20 bucks and then hide it in the downstairs closet.'  I mean, someone pays good money and actually hangs it in their living room.
  5. Go to Disney World.  My son and I went to Disneyland back in November, and it was awesome!  I'm not sure about my 14 year old, but I freaking loved it.  I want to live in Disneyland.  How much fun would it be to work there?  (realistically, probably not much, but leave me my delusions).  It doesn't even have to be with my kid, but it looks suspicious when a solitary adult is standing giddily in line to see Goofy, so I'll have to drag him along I suppose.  It's a good cover!

That's it for now;  I will continue to marinate on the idea and add them as I think of them!

Thanks for stopping by and take it easy!

A wonderful moment from Cirque du Soleil's OVO