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I'm a middle-aged, single mother stuck in a small prairie city. Need I say more!

Monday 9 February 2015

10 Years!

Well, it has been 10 years since I started my job with my agency!  There have been a lot of changes over the years.  Many co-workers have come and gone, but the core four still remain.  I have made some fantastic friends over the years and had numerous opportunities for new learning and growth.  There were times that were a struggle and times that were a joy!  Overall, it is hard to believe that a decade has come and gone.  This is the longest that I have ever been at a job.  Maybe, because it has become a career.  I don't know what the future will hold, but these memories will stay with me forever!

Check out what my co-workers did to celebrate my 10th Anniversary! (Tin/Aluminum in the traditional gift-giving).  They tinfoiled everything!  The phone, my name tag, the mouse pad, the mouse, the screen, my pens, notebooks, keyboard, paintings, photos, and also got me a cake, flowers and balloons.  I am truly blessed to work with such a wonderful bunch of kooks!  Love you all.

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