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I'm a middle-aged, single mother stuck in a small prairie city. Need I say more!

Sunday 21 April 2013

There's a hole in my Bucket List!

Hello to you all!  (perhaps, dozens of you...probably mostly family members.  Nevertheless, welcome!)

The Bucket List!  They've made movies, books and TV shows about it, but I realize that I don't actually have one.  Bits and pieces of one...sure.  But not an official one.  Not the kind that gets jotted down on a coffee shop napkin and saved in my sock drawer kind of bucket list.  So, for posterity's sake...here is the attempt:  

But, firstly, what exactly are the 'rules' of the bucket list?  How many items should I have?  Should they have a snowball's chance of actually being fulfillable?  Are they just sort of a 'in a perfect world' theme?  Do I add some on before I've crossed some off? How long do I keep an item on there before it reaches it's expiry date? Can I ask for help?  Anything thoughts?

Now to the answers:  

I don't think that I should have too many items, because as a person who doesn't often write lists (unless I am packing for a trip), I don't often complete said lists.  Those Saturday chore lists chafe at my disorganized sensibilities.  Plus, having adult attention deficit disorder, makes them virtually impossible to complete.....SQUIRREL!  I start tidying up the living room and end up reading magazine articles from a 2-year old copy of Chatelaine (and just to set the record straight...I'm not really a Chatelaine kind of girl, anyways).  I usually have around half-dozen, half-finished jobs going at any time.  So, maybe 20 items.  

I think that the items should be possible to achieve, otherwise it's just a dream list, and IMHO, dreams are better carried around in a suitcase, not a bucket.

If I stick with the 20 item guideline, perhaps I should have to cross something off before adding more; but also, there should maybe be a best before time limit...it works for milk (who am I to argue).  So if there is no action on an item after....say 1 year, then I should cross them off, if I have a new one to add.  Yeah, that might work.  

Depending on the items on the list, I may or may not need help from others.  But I'm going to put in out there, that help is allowed.  And if anyone reading this can help out: please let me know.  

So without any further ado, here are a few items that I have on my bucket list, so far;

  1. Experience something being born.  I did give birth to my own child, but I was kind of too pre-occupied to actually enjoy it.  It doesn't have to be someone's baby (that might be kind of creepy), but I would love to see a calf or colt, puppies or kittens, a lamb.  That would be amazing.  Unfortunately, even though I do live in the prairies, I don't actually know anyone that has a farm with animals on it.  
  2. See a dozen Cirque du Soleil Shows.  This was originally, see all of the Cirque Shows, but after re-thinking it, less is more.  And may actually be achievable.  Seriously, they have a lot of those shows.  And unless, I am planning on buying a timeshare in Vegas, I probably won't get this one completed.  Plus, they retire shows and create new ones all the time.  So...12 is good.  If I see more, great.  That being said; I have currently seen five; Mystere, Allegria, Kooza, Ovo, and yesterday, Amaluna.  Seven to go.  But I really feel that this item is something that I can chip away at over the years.
  3. Write a book.  I've started one, but it isn't going well.  Damn you, ADD!  It doesn't really matter to me if it is a children's book, teen or adult book, although, I think the first two are more in my wheelhouse.  It would be great to have it published, but at this point, quite frankly, it just needs to be written first!  So, in the meantime, here is a blog.
  4. Sell a painting.  Okay, smartass, I don't just mean re-sell a painting, I mean sell one that I have actually painted.  And not just a mercy buy either... 'here's 20 bucks and then hide it in the downstairs closet.'  I mean, someone pays good money and actually hangs it in their living room.
  5. Go to Disney World.  My son and I went to Disneyland back in November, and it was awesome!  I'm not sure about my 14 year old, but I freaking loved it.  I want to live in Disneyland.  How much fun would it be to work there?  (realistically, probably not much, but leave me my delusions).  It doesn't even have to be with my kid, but it looks suspicious when a solitary adult is standing giddily in line to see Goofy, so I'll have to drag him along I suppose.  It's a good cover!

That's it for now;  I will continue to marinate on the idea and add them as I think of them!

Thanks for stopping by and take it easy!

A wonderful moment from Cirque du Soleil's OVO